View Profile 7swords
Hello everyone reading this! I'm an Artist in training right now, in school to become a Game Artist. So i have an opinion about every game and every piece of art, just feel free to ask me...

Sam @7swords

Age 30, Male


High School


Joined on 5/16/08

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Fuck Yea! That's how it is!

EDIT: No really that really is how it is, thank you!

I'm taking a philosophy class right now, its going to get FUN when we start arguing over religion :D

I'm not a big believer but I believe in god, I don't have many arguments, (or I can't think of them right now) but I like to think that only the believers can win

if god DOES exist, the believers will be in heaven laughing at the atheists, if god DOESN'T exist, the atheists can't rub it in a believer's face because there would be no afterlife :P

True, either we win, or we all lose!

Edit: We have a chance that our religion is right, but an even greater chance it is wrong. Thats why I love atheist, they have a lower chance than normal...its math!

maybe using encyclopedia dramatica wasn't the best idea XD

i choose to stay away from all religion, even the religion of having no religion (kinda defeats the purpose of having NO religion...)

so do you think people who don't get baptized are gonna burn in hell, or that its a sin to not believe in Jesus? (first time i visited my grandmother, i was like 5, she told me i was gonna burn in hell because i wasn't baptized...)

In what point of this did I say I was religious? The whole thing about holy water is false because everyone know no human on earth has divine power after the crusades...lol

P:S: I don't have the guts to say the things they said on encyclopedia dramatica even though I agreed with most of it.
So why not let someone else say it all via a link?

Why does everyone think that if the faithful are correct that they win, but if they atheists are correct everyone looses? Did everyone forget about the fact that many religions say that worshiping a false God (aka, every other religion besides their own) is punishable by condemnation to hell? So, if Muslims were right, the Christians don't get to rub it in an Atheist's face as they'll be burning in that hell alongside them.

The point of this post is just to say, believing in god is the same as not believing. One religion out their HAS to be right, so why not put your name in the raffle?

Muslims seem, wrong by world standers anyway why would god tell people to kill everyone who says anything even remotely bad about anything with the exception of what he said is allowed to be talked bad about (what?) And free will is also existent in their religion which makes no sense whatsoever.

P.S. the parts of the middle east are the only ones who have note signed the "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights". but I dont care about that because we have the "same" god but from two different viewpoints. Its better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all...

Come on NewGrounds! Anytime someone says anything about religion you all bite their heads off, but when I say it like 3 out of the 30 people i comment to send me mixed feelings (thank you joker). And....sinfulwolf this is between the religious and the ATHEIST. Not religious against religious, we have all seen how that goes down.

Well you friends just can't think of good reason not to believe god.(I myself am sort of atheist) I'm not trying to be that one dick who comments(even though you will call me that) but I think that religon is wrong. Don't get me wrong because atheisim (or however you spell it) is wrong too. I think that you just go through life without trying to convert someone to your faith because if they are on their merry little way just leave them a lone. Also a side note everyone starts wars cause its just human nature. Sooo yea. :}

I love you guys! Without you we would we would look like even bigger dicks, and the church would come crashing down. Sorry if we ever used you as a scapegoat, and thank you for getting the full meaning of this message =3 *snaps fingers*

I was actually responding to the point that TAUfanatic made.
Still, the majority of this post just feels like "Atheists are dumb! Nar" and my belief in that is backed up by the use of Encyclopedia Dramatica.
You're response to me was also along the lines of Muslims=Middle East= Evil.
You also did say you were religious, right at the beginning, when you said you were Christian.

I don't bite people's heads off for talking about religion, only when people start flinging around random crap in an apparent desire to piss people off.

Before you ask what my own views are, those are private, and between me and whatever end awaits.

I shall never ask anyone what their religion is, and encyclopedia dramatica was to bring the TROLL part of this post to light on the various ways someone can see this as bad. I laughed when i read ED (was satire funny, the kind we need on a sensitive topic). Definitely not to back up what beliefs are. Atheism is a believe, and all beliefs must be respected. Muslims aren't evil, just misunderstood, covert, and some are (dur! dur!) dangerous. This could have been caused by a misinterpretation of duty back in the day. All I am saying right now is that: Their religion does not work in todays world as well as it did 1400 (or something) years ago...Did you know that America is oblivious to touchy subjects? I'm gonna be pissed if there are a lot more death threats when the "symbol" at ground zero is completed.

Was it because I used ED comedy? Was it because I used too many capitol letters? Was it the the fact that I warned you this was a post laced with troll influence?

The family I was born into is christian, and therefore so am I.
I pray, I call upon the lords name not always in vain, yet have never done communion nor am I associated with the church in (almost) any way.

This is not a case of barrel roll, rather a patch to our E-friendship in hopes that it will not bleed-out from this scrape I set myself up for.

Edit: spelling and retarded sentences.

sinfulwolf is pretty corrective right now, I'll assume some one has no sense of destructive comedy (I mind you to never send a roast that way) and that this post was all it has cracked up to be. Thank you people, for your sides of a truly indescribable comment conversation.

I'm sorry if I offended any atheist out their and if I did, lighten up, go get wasted, I know I would (Irish).

PS: I like how seth macfarlane said he was Jewish to make all the Jew jokes, but after they ran out, he instantly became an atheist and even change one of his characters to make Anti religious comments. Brian was cool, but now hes just a douche. Still watch it though, I still make Seth the mulah.

Fuckin' LOVE the saints! great movies!

Beautiful movie right?

I've got a question for you... Do you visit yahoo answers?
Because I have some friends that rant about atheists.

I dunno why I ask, just curious I guess.

I stay away from that shit, its yahoo answers not yahoo rants....or is it yahoo blogs?

**Friends that go on yahoo answers and rant about atheist, that is**

No, I didn't repress any of this, or are angry at them. Its just there was a time in my life when I was a godless entity. Faith has cured countless mental diseases over past decades and has save a lot of people from hitting rock-bottom. That is when I realized I have no right to look down on something that can help people so much more than I can. Soon my grades improved, got on the track team and followed my art skill (story for another post).

My only regret is that little prayer I whispered before going into my English class
"oh lord, please let us have a sub..." Because, you see, the homework was a long way from being done and wanted another day to do it. The prayer acted like a genie wish, and our teacher broke her back. We have been having a sub every day for 3 months now...

im atheist but i don't deprive others of there beliefs.

I wish more people were like you,
then I would have no need to keep this post up,
or have made it for that matter.

wow well im christain what are you

Gun saint...

I am ok with your beliefs! everyone is entitled to belive whatever they want! nobody can take it from you.. you can belive a cup of water is god and that is ok
why do people waste thare one life argueing over whos beliefs are better? :P

i was going to say something else that is meaningful but i forgot it.. D:

Poor alternative word choice lol. Anyone that believes in god but doesn't think he has done anything amazing is really dumb. Just look at our universe, I refuse to believe that happened because gasses that have always existed touched together to make an explosion, but I will accept that theory if an unforeseen power was to influence it in some way.

Is the glass half full or half empty? That is why humans argue.

my poor word choice is usually my down fall. u_u


Whats your primary language?

for you good sir

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Cool! My brain perceives that to be a good genetic carrier!