View Profile 7swords
Hello everyone reading this! I'm an Artist in training right now, in school to become a Game Artist. So i have an opinion about every game and every piece of art, just feel free to ask me...

Sam @7swords

Age 30, Male


High School


Joined on 5/16/08

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1,610 / 1,880
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7swords's News

Posted by 7swords - May 28th, 2010

I have to thank ReNaeNae for responding so fast.
I "Slipped through the cracks" and was never re-scouted.
Guess the bots don't fail, the servers do...

Back to the beginning-------------------------
I guess ill have to work my way back up the chain of un-scouted artist in the filth that is newgrounds (art portal) and make a name for myself again.

Sounds easy, but in reality its a big cluster fuck of inside jokes and tentacle rape.

Its more than that. When anyone at anytime can be unscouted it creates a panic.

I have been unsouted two times (three now) both were random.

yes, I am now un-scouted, and its not because of my skill.

I think M-bot has something to say to me, here ill put it on screen.

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Counter Fill post

Posted by 7swords - May 27th, 2010

Fail-bot ftw. I know programing is hard, but unscouting people with no given reason is just.....sleezy even by newground status.

I would be OK with this shit if it gave me an area to improve in...but no, it fails, and says yous unSCOUTED!
~you foolish mortals, M-Bot has no concerns for you, I shall unscout you for being you, and uphold the fuck ass quality of anime doodles~

-Rage end-

Do you get unscouted after a period of time with no art postings?
Real question here...

Posted by 7swords - May 15th, 2010

The concept of atheism is fun, I'm christian but most of my friends are atheist. The weak argument of "If god is perfect then why does he let us wrong each other?" is getting old, please find new ways to convert people. The counter to that is: well that's because he gave us free will, because he was LITERARY bored with having to micro manage us (we are not his only creations and are low on his list). We are his untrustworthy creatures who ate the apple because some punk ass listen to a SNAKE over god!

"We can, perhaps, conceive of a world in which God
corrected the results of this abuse of free will by His
creatures at every moment: so that a wooden beam
became soft as grass when it was used as a weapon,
and the air refused to obey me if I attempted to
set up in it the sound waves that carry lies or insults.
But such a world would be one in which wrong actions
were impossible, and in which, therefore, freedom of
the will would be void; nay, if the principle were
carried out to its logical conclusion, evil thoughts
would be impossible, for the cerebral matter which
we use in thinking would refuse its task when we
attempted to frame them."

Atheist are fools and remember "god watches out for fools and drunks" whether you like it or not atheists, god is with you.

And any atheist reading this please don't argue in riddles when someone asks a straight question, or I will dismiss you as fast as you dismiss religion.

Before there was religion, it was the atheist who started wars, its just that we start wars for god, you star wars for resources...both are equally bad when both can be shared.

Yea, this pretty much sums it up.

In what point of this did I say I was religious? If someone wears a Mettalica shirt, does that mean their a mettalica fan? Yes it does, but casual or headbanging?

My contact high just wore off and my final comment on the matter is:
I see god as a specific entity, not one of miracles but one of planning and outlook toward the future. I belive god created animalia, then controlled how we would look down the eveolution chain, and dont worry if my religion is correct not many will be in heaven with me...
...I belong to the church of the saints...

/* */

For All you Atheist!

Posted by 7swords - April 28th, 2010

Behold! I am back , remember that post I made a while back? You all helped me very much, thank you. As is night is to day, my potential was only matched by a pure unyielding doubt within my soul. Within a realm of possibilities I swirled, the water was that of a phantasmal force. Yes, I drowned, but did not die! When one comes so close as to have their dreams ripped from them they will become cold and feral. Surly the cold would kill me if the Phantom could not drown me. I was wrong for a second time. The water froze. Stuck, unable to move, hear or see. Is this what I would become? An example I used to mock and sneer before, was now what my future was based around. My guardian angel took pity on me and whispered a minor realization near my ear. "you are were you wanted to be all along". I was angry at myself, more anger than I have ever felt before. I wished to become better to change, to understand what it meant! something I had taken for granted until this point of existence. A desire to move yet again took me and with it a type of diligent purposefulness, determination...Willpower. I snapped and for once my thoughts took form, and lunged. obliterating the phantom with the perforation of truth. All my life it felt as though I had been In a dream. I opened my eyes and could see what others could not, i could see that the ice was never there to begin with. Seeing is believing, and I saw no ice. I stepped out to a new world, blank and empty. To fill this is to excel at what you are, I have been given a gift, and must use it, ascend it! some feeling came back to my body now, only after an end a beginning can start...

In case you didn't want to read any of that, I'm back and my plan worked, I have finally unlocked my artistic vision and have Increased my drawings ten times over. six weeks of school left and summer is almost here, I hope its the hottest one yet! Time to pick up the pace and not let your GPA drop below a 3.2. Its almost time for a well needed release, a time when I can do what I want, and improve where I want!

I'm back!

also, after much thought I really don't want to make a lot of post with the thinking of titles and all that so I'm just gonna edit this one.

4/29/10: THANK YOU DURN! For pointing out how that sounded like a wet dream, as a reward ill post your new song up here : "Dreams" by Durn everyone! *claps*

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Posted by 7swords - January 6th, 2010

Is bad, awful, crap, doodles, and anything else...

The story behind that is much lighter, OK my friends and i were in weight training fifth period, talking about collage, Digi-pen all the way (since we are all artist and animators) and such came up about art books, we have never seen each others before , Logins was pretty good, better than mine, but then my other other friend ,Diante, showed his and it scared me a little, his shit was PRO! lines=perfect,manga =perfect, shading perfect... he was so good he looked like one of the people they use to advertise art institutes, turns out he drew all during summer school and Math Class! 19 SS, and me a 15 sophomore naturally asked advise "how do you get the lighting on the nose?" he responded "noses are really hard, i learned through drawing a lot of people." That didn't help much...but then he said "don't worry, man, i couldn't draw faces until I was about 17, when you get older shit kinda just clicks in place..." So i tried to draw a face, a realism face, and found out i was bad., i have a natural talent for drawing, my grandma was a graphic designer (beautiful) and grandfather a sketch artist (accurate), but mine is just...unrefined...clumsy. Which is why i am making this post, I need help, not help via tutorials or just drawing a little each day. But by really studying and learning! filling up sketch pads is bad unless you know what you are doing. Using a tablet without knowing how to draw or paint a face was a terrible mistake, and nearly destroyed my own way of thinking. I need to start out small...
Professional levels of art
level 1 draw a real face (pencil)
level 2 draw a real full body (pencil)
level 3 paint a real face (preferably acrylic)
level 4 paint a real body ((preferably acrylic)
level 5 Create your own style
level 6 Repeat steps 1 through 4 on photoshop or any othe painting software
level 7 Animate what you made
level 8 model in a 3d program (there are too many so i'm not going to say any)
level 9 model a PERSON in a 3d program. (there are too many so i'm not going to say any)
level 10 get a job, become popular on Deviant art, i don't give a shit what you do, Level 10=rich

Picasso is an undisciplined child among real artist...

In order to do crawl the pathway of an artist, I must get level 1 and 2 down pat before a graduate high school in 30 months (2.5 years)

Which is why I am leaving Newgrounds for now. I'll be back at the end of the school year, maybe sooner depending on if i get an artistic Revelation and it all just "clicks and sticks"

So see ya, keep it real while I'm gone, Shadman

Edit:>wow i cant believe i posted something like this, thinking back now i do not regret it. Only now do I realize how shattered and childish my artistic vision is to a blank canvass...
I am young, yet my will is resolute. I WILL become better, and if I die trying,
then i die knowing i have still have more to learn...

My Drawing Skill...

Posted by 7swords - December 23rd, 2009

I just had a migraine and in the process thought about Christmas.
So Merry Christmas to everyone at newgrounds!

Merry Christmas!

Posted by 7swords - November 18th, 2009

My slanted desk that i used for homework and drawing broke three days ago.....now i miss it so much!

PS: this post is just a heads up for art, not a for QQ and or twittering.

Call of duty beats halo, Twilight suck, and there's no such thing as the church of athisem Etc...

Posted by 7swords - November 18th, 2009

I cant really do homework, art or play video games, why? because Modern Warfare 2 is out and I'm getting it tomorrow! Ive always been a big call of duty fan and really think that Halo is a lesser FPS, so no big surprise when MW2 sold twice as much as odst in the first day! LOL, "I'm so pumped up!"

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Posted by 7swords - October 27th, 2009

God i'm sick of people saying things like, "OH, you got talent!" and "Wish i could draw like that!"
Drawing is a learn-able skill. Just think of something (how it really is) and draw it! Draw it 3d! Outline! Sketch! Color! then Shade!

Sorry i snapped like that....<=p its just drawing is easy, drawing good is hard and drawing perfect is impossible,

Drawing is a skill, not a Talent!!!

Posted by 7swords - October 23rd, 2009

I just got scouted! and i just had a pep assembly! and its Friday! And I'm not sick!

Looks like its going to be an awesome weekend!

Thank you